Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5th, 2012: My Family

Dearest Family,

   How is everyone doing? I hope super good! The wedding looked like a one to remember! Looks like everyone had fun. Havent heard from alot of you in sometime. But thats okay. Life is busy I know! I am doing super good though! A miracle happened this past weekend! We were blessed to be able to have one baptism! We were so excited and humbled at the same time. This truly is his work! Saturday night my companion and I and also the other missionaries were kind of bumed because all four of our baptisms had fallen. Everyone told us they just didnt feel prepared. We were kind of sad but we also had faith in the Lord. Sunday came around and we still werent having a baptism. After church, the other missionaries had to get ready for their baptism that was at 6. They took all their baptismal clothes to the ward mission leaders house. His daughter was one of the baptisms that we were suppose to have. She had told us that she will go to the baptism but will not be baptized yet. But while the other missionaries were there they decided to talk to her for a bit. They had a quick lesson and the spirit was there they said. She had still said no throughout the lesson. At the End they said Well will you go to the baptism. and she said yes. Then they asked will you go to the baptism dressed in white? After thinking for a bit she said yes. I will be baptized today! Haha. It was awesome they called us and told us how we are going to have a baptism as well! We didnt believe them but it was true! What a blessing from the Lord. I know it was from all the prayers that were said for her from her family, our family, my comps family, and all of us missionaries. Prayer is such a powerful tool we have as missionaries! It was a neat weekend. I felt very very blessed! 
   Well the mission is going good so far in the goal for 300 baptisms in September. We had 93 baptisms this past weekend! We have 65 baptismal dates and so we are doing good so far! We thought we were going to have more in this first weekend but we still had lots! Satan was sure working hard. President Brough told us office elders that he has never seen satan working harder! It was kind of a crazy weekend but it was great! We had a lot of baptisms fall the first weekend but hopefully they still will come through! Our district will have alot of baptisms! President expects no less than 30 from us. So as a district we put 33. That 11 every companionship! Its going to be hard but I know that we are going to be able to do it! We just have to trust in the Lord! I know that we are going to be able to do it! Just got to keep the hope and the faith! I cant wait! Its going to pass by really fast! Well we just have to keep working hard and pray for the best! The office is going good as well. Its pretty much the same work every week. Dats, baptismal records and pouch! Its great though. 
  Well I sure hope you all know how much I love each one of you! It was crazy to see Britton talking like a crazy man looks like he is just growing right up! Crazy! Same with Ham and Alex and Brynlee. What cool kids right? Well I sure miss you all as well and hope to hear from you soon! Thanks for all that you do and keep on keeping on family!! Remember.. The Lord lives and loves us so much. This work is his and is oh so true! Families can and will be together forever! Im so lucky to be able to have the greatest family on earth!! I love you all and will continue to serve with all that I got. It will all be worth it! Much love!

Elder A.R. Moon 

ps.. Where did Molly and Jeff go on their honeymoon? Bet that was fun.... 

Elder Moon
Misión Guate Central ;) 

 Baptism. Hermana Paola and her dad Amilker
PILAS... o Genial...

 My best friend and recent convert Antony

 Elder Walbeck and I

Bishop haha

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